I would love to participate in a 5K Run for a worthy cause like the Cure for Cancer. As I work on getting the stamina to run or jog for such a distance, my primary outdoor exercise is walking, what I call my prayer walks.
On one particular prayer walk, God was revealing things in a way I had never previously experienced.
On the way back home when I started to ascend up the hill, “something” in me said, “run.” Sensing it was the Lord, I obeyed and started jogging up the hill. When I reached the top of the hill, I wasn’t released to stop so I decided to stop at the corner. When I reached the corner, I still couldn’t stop jogging and kept going to the next corner.
When I didn’t think I could jog any further, God spoke to me about perseverance and determination. When my legs were burning and I wanted the pain to stop, He spoke to me about not quitting or giving up when things get hard. When my left knee was hurting, He removed the pain, showing me that He will equip me to accomplish that which He purposed for me. When the incline caused me to slow my pace, He spoke to me about slow and steady is longer lasting and more rewarding than a quick fix. When I felt out of breath, He lead me to inhale and exhale slowly and deeply, learning how to proceed in a controlled and organized fashion. When a car was about to turn and I instinctively increased my speed to cross instead of having to stop, He showed me that there are times when a situation may require that I adjust my speed in order to not get hindered.
I didn’t stop jogging until I put my key in the door. Then my legs gave out! Before I pulled myself up to stretch, I thought about how God showed up, pushed me past my comfort zone, and gave me a hands on lesson of how He is with me every step of the way, even during times of doubt.
I don’t know all that He’s doing, but I know for certain that whatever greater is on the horizon will require me to persevere, remain determined, be committed to stay the course, not rush it nor give up, expect obstacles but be willing to make necessary changes to overcome them and not allow them to overtake me. Most importantly, it will require me to seek and continue to trust Him.